Sunday, January 25, 2009

Notes from Arch 21 class - Design I

Some notes that I have taken in class that will help me in my design process.

- Consider the proportions
- Relocate the images with Architecture (Sell your product)
- How do the images act upon one another?
- Different views of the images
- What kind of emotion(s) do you see?
- Contrast between each object
- How do we turn things into unnatural things (Architecture)?
- Space (both positive and negative)
- What are the elements?
- Framing the moments; differentiate the most & less significant place
- Creating & thriving the entire set
- Boil it down to it's essence; signify it over the entire place
- Set of mid-ground elements with space
- Look at it in a architectural view
- Recreate the diagram of the relative height, plan, & sections
- What are the ingredients and organization?
Background elements --> Natural --> Urban
- What's in a urban fabric?
- Geometry, volume, solids, hard edges, scale
- What did the landscape architect try to convey?
- Contrast, recipe, pattern, scale, essential qualities
- Re-interpret through the natural environment
- Color, Climate, Soil, Conditions, Sun, Rainfall, Shapes
- What are the essential elements?
Answer: It's not absolute!
- What feelings would you feel if you were to move certain things?
- How are they arranged?
- Know and learn the environment
- What is the purpose?
- Design --> Compose --> Time --> Adventure --> Mind
- Experiences: Set up before & after
- Modulate the distance and light.
- Find interesting complex pattern
- What does (the object[s]) mean to you as a designer, an architect?
- Direction
- Placing, Function vs. Other stuff
- What made it inviting?
- Form, Felt, Nature of Path, View, Qualities. Essential?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Collage of Smooth Jazz - DSGN 101 (Introduction to Design)

My final piece for my DSGN 101 class. The project was to pick a culture and make a collage that represents it. I picked Smooth Jazz since I was born listening to it and I still love it till this very day.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


The night before last night was one of my longest nights of the semester, or should I say is my longest night so far. I had two midterms yesterday, which are both, related to Architecture: DSGN 101 and ARCH 23.

That night I only had two hours of sleep. I was making sure every hour that I put in counted. Right when I got home on Tuesday night, which was 9:00 pm, I immediately cracked down on my studying. I plop out my printed slideshows and started to make an outline. I had my laptop turned on and 30 minutes later after I started, I found out that it became a distraction. I was checking Facebook, MySpace, and other websites that does not relate to my studies, so I decided to turn it off and just have my iTouch on playing my favorite music. I also had my AIM application running on at the same time in case if anyone wanted to drop off a message.

I started to feel the fatigue kicking in around 1:00 am and I had to figure out how to keep my-self awake. I had my midterm at 9:40 and I did not want to sleep because I had so much work to do ahead of me. I did not have any coffee either at home since my godfather only has the quick coffee packages – the one where you pour into hot water and its instant coffee, sort of like instant noodle soup. I then decided to take a shower thinking it would keep me awake since it usually does the job in the morning. That did not really happen when I got out of the shower it actually did the opposite: put me to sleep. Therefore, I turned on my alarm clock for 2:30 giving me a 30-minute nap, but that too also failed since I kept pressing snooze. When it hit 4:00, I realized I needed to do something fast or else I would keep sleeping until 6:00 am (the normal time I get up and get ready for school). I started studying for my midterm again and realized I was the only one up studying. All of my classmates who were studying for the same midterm as well was already asleep and logged off at 2:30 or earlier.

I finished my outline at 6:00 and started to get ready for school. On my way to school, I took a nap since I really needed it. I got to school at 8:30 and sat in my empty classroom with my coffee that I ordered at City Café along with my outline. At 9:40, the teacher came and I started to take my ARCH 23 test. I finished before class ended and had the privilege to leave. I made good use of time and started to study for my DSGN 101 midterm that started at 12:10 pm.

After my school ended, I felt good as I thought I did pretty well on my midterm – DSGN 101 and ARCH 23. I calculated the time amount I studied for both midterms and it was 10 hours for ARCH 23 and a couple of days for DSGN 101. Once I got home at 9:00, I immediately knocked out and did not wake up until the following morning: 5:30 am. That was my day yesterday and I feel good about it. Now all I have to do for next week is to study for my next three midterms: English 96, Math 90, and the second half of DSGN 101 - all three lays on Wednesday, October 14. For my English midterm, I have to make an outline for my 600-word essay and for math; I just have to take a test on Chapter 3 and modeling. As for DSGN 101, I have to write a one-page summary about one of the pictures explaining different kind of design techniques using the design vocabulary. I still need to catch up on my math assignments though – currently behind two sections.